

Tidyread is a Raycast Extension that enables you to manage and schedule your daily reading. It enhances your reading experience with modern features like AI-generated summaries and streamlined digests.

This extension is developed based on projects such as Raycast and WriteFreely, and supports Raycast AI, OpenAI, and MoonshotAI as providers for AI-generated summaries.

It includes five Raycast commands:


  • Daily Read: The most frequently used command, allowing you to view today's readings and digests.
  • Manage Sources: The second most used command, used for managing reading sources.
  • Auto Digest: If you wish to receive an automatically generated digest daily, press Enter once to activate it, and it will remain active until you manually deactivate it.
  • Digest List: Here you can view all the generated digests.
  • Add Source: Add a reading source, or do it directly in the Manage Sources command.

Let's get started with using Tidyread!